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Refractory Brick

Unshaped Refractory


Fire brick in Different Sizes and Types

1. Fire Brick In Different Types
1) Standard Refractory Bricks. 
Straight fire bricks with a size of 230 mm x 114 mm x 65 mm are usually referred to as standard bricks.
(2) The proportion of the size of the general-purpose refractory brick (the ratio of the minimum to the largest size, the same below) is within the range of 1:4, without the concave corner, the hole or the groove, the clay brick with a single weight of 2~8 kg, 2~6kg of siliceous brick, 2~lOkg of high-aluminum brick, 4~lOkg of magnesia or magnesia-aluminum brick, all called ordinary brick.
(2) Shaped Refractory Bricks.
1) Clay, high alumina shaped bricks. The ratio of the external dimensions is within 1:6 and has no more than 2 concave corners (including arc-shaped concave corners) or one 50. ~75. The acute angle, or with no more than 4 grooves, the weight of 2 to 15kg of clay bricks and 2 to 18kg of high-aluminum bricks, are called shaped bricks.
2) Silicon shaped bricks. Where the ratio of the dimensions is within the range of 1:5, there is no more than one concave angle, or one 50. ~75. An acute angle, or a silicon brick with a weight of 2 to 12 kg, with no more than 2 grooves, is called a silicon shaped brick.
3) Magnesium or magnesium-aluminum shaped bricks. Anyone who does not include this series of bricks is classified as a shaped brick.
(3) Special Refractory Bricks.
1) Clay, High Alumina Special Bricks.
Where the ratio of the external dimensions is within the range of 1:8, there are no more than 4 concave corners (including arc-shaped concave corners) or one 50. ~30. An acute angle, or not more than 8 grooves, or no more than 1 hole, the weight of 1. 5 ~ 30kg of clay bricks and 1.5 ~ 35kg of high-aluminum bricks, are called special bricks .
2) Silice Special Bricks.
Where the outline size ratio is within 1:6, there are no more than 4 concave corners (including arc-shaped concave corners), or one 50. ~30. An acute angle or a silicon brick having a weight of 1.5 to 25 kg, which is a special type of brick, with 4 grooves or with no more than 1 hole.
(4)Magnesium special bricks. 
Where the size ratio is within 1:8, there are no more than 4 concave corners (including arc-shaped concave corners), or one 30. ~50. An acute angle; or a brick with no more than 3 holes; or a magnesia brick with no more than 4 grooves and a single weight of 3 to 35 kg, is called a special brick.

2. Refractory Brick Size and Size Representation
Straight refractory brick size specifications (in millimeters, mm) are indicated by A*B*C
Wedge refractory brick size specifications (in mm, mm) expressed as A*(C/D)*B
The dimensions of the arched bricks (in millimeters, mm) are (L/C)*(A/B)*(E/D)
Sizes sizes,mm Sizes
A B C Unit:mm
3/4-65 172 114 65 172*114*65
3/4-75 172 114 75 172*114*75
1-65 230 114 65 230*114*65
1-75 230 230 75 230*114*75
1-100 230 114 100 230*114*100
IQ-65 230 172 65 230*172*65
IQ-75 230 172 75 230*172*75
IW-75 230 150 75 230*150*75
IW-100 230 150 100 230*150*100
IF-65 230 230 65 230*230*65
IF-75 230 230 75 230*230*75
1-32 230 114 32 230*114*32
1-37 230 114 37 230*114*37
SW-65 300 150 65 300*150*65
SW-75 300 150 100 300*150*75
SW-100 300 225 65 300*225*65
Sk-65 300 225 75 300*225*65
SK-75 300 225 65 300*225*65
SK-100 300 225 100 300*225*100
1.5-65 345 114 65 345*114*65
1.5-75 345 114 75 345*114*75
1.5-100 345 114 100 345*114*100
1.5W-75 345 150 75 345*150*75
1.5W-100 345 150 100 345*150*100
GW-65 380 150 65 380*150*65
GW-75 380 150 75 380*150*75
GW-100 380 150 100 380*150*100
GK-65 380 225 65 380*225*65
GK-75 380 225 75 380*225*75
GK-100 380 225 100 380*225*100
2-65 460 114 65 460*114*65
2-75 460 114 75 460*114*75
2-100 460 114 100 460*114*100
2w-65 460 150 65 460*150*65
2w-75 460 150 75 460*150*75
2w-100 460 150 100 460*150*100
2k-65 460 225 65 460*150*65
2k-75 460 225 75 460*225*75
2k-100 460 225 100 460*225*100